We know that everyone has different needs and wants. For this reason, we have designed a few packages to provide the best value for your event. We also have some additional add-on products at an additional cost. Below you will find our packages, please inquire about pricing, all pricing given will be the final pricing with no hidden fees. If one of these packages does not suite your needs, please call our email us so we can customize a package for you today :
Basic Photo Packages Include:
- 2, 3, or 4 hours of continuous Photo-Time.
-Guest will be able to choose from B&W or Color Strips at their discretion, or Picture It! can set the machine to your preference of B&W or Color.
-Upon exiting the booth, a Two-Strip photo will be printed with-in a minute or so, your guest can have them for a keepsake or party favor.
-Free Customized Header, we can customize a header for your photo-strips so your guest can remember the event. If your party has a particular theme, or your company has a particular logo you would like to use just let us know and we can customize your header based on that information.
-We provide a Black background, but we can provide additional background choices(at an additional charge.)
-An attendant (usually 2) will always be on site at any event, just in case something should happen.(ie. Printer runs out of ink or paper, computer freezes) that way any problems can be immediately resolved and your guest can continue to have fun.
-All pricing quoted includes delivery, set-up, and tear-down of the photo booth.
-All guests will be able to view the entire events photo strips via our online password protected events page, all they have to do is click on the event and provide the password printed at the bottom of each strip.
-Props can be a fun way to increase the excitement of the photo booth at any event, we provide some props for each event, if you would like something specific we encourage you to bring it.
Our PROP Wardrobe Includes:
-Funny Glass
-Crazy Jewelry & Accessories
-All packages include a FREE copy of the photo's and or videos taken at your event, we don't charge extra! (An additional copy can be purchased at an additional fee.)
Scrap Book:
-Picture It! does offer a Scrap Booking service at an additional fee, it is a great keepsake and an alternative to a traditional sign-in book, it allows your guest to write a meaningful heart-felt message and attach a picture of themselves at your venue.
Additional Time or Idle Time:
-If any additional Photo-Time or Idle is needed past the allotment of time, we can accommodate, just let us know before or during your event.
-All plans include either 2, 3, or 4 hours of Photo-Time, as well as an hour to set up before your event starts. An Idle Time charge will be applied if set up is required to be completed more than 1 hour before the event takes place or if the photo booth is required to be shut down for an hour due to the a ceremony, dinner, etc.
WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! We Will Beat Our Competitors Pricing.
Call us today and schedule your event, a deposit is required to hold your day, hurry our calendar is filling up fast don't be late.